Models 166 and 167 Bridgesensors
2401 Stanwell Drive
Concord, CA 94520-4841
(510) 687-4411 Fax (510) 687-3333
Maximum current through the LED portion of the optical
coupler is 13 mA, which results in a minimum phototransistor
current of 2 mA. If the phototransistor is used to switch 5
Volts, then its collector resistor should be limited to
approximately 1 kohm.
The Model 167 output circuit provides for sinking 50 mA,
sourcing 2 mA into 5k or for using a separate collector supply.
For example, if TTL digital circuitry is to be driven by the Model
167, the external jumper between pin 3 and 5 can be left out.
Then a separate 5 Volt source can be connected to the
collector of Q1 through pin 5 and a load resistor. Figure 5
shows a typical application.
Amplifier Frequency Response
The amplifier bandwidth is 10 kHz at a gain of 100. The rolloff
response curve is 20 dB per decade so the 3 dB down
frequency can be predicted by knowing the gain setting. For
example, at a gain setting of 1000, bw = 1 kHz, and at 10, bw
= 100 kHz. It is sometimes desirable to intentionally limit the
amplifier frequency response in order to minimize the effect
of high frequency noise. The input stage of the V/F converter
is an active integrator with a time constant of about 0.5 ms
(Model 166), it therefore does not require a bandwidth limit.
However, if the amplifier output is also to be monitored by an
external device such as a scope or recorder then the user
may wish to use additional filtering. This can be done by
connecting a simple RC network or an active filter between
the monitoring device and the amplifier output. Capacitors
should not be connected directly across the amplifier output
since this may cause instability.
Mechanical Specifications
FIGURE 6. Outline Dimensions
Shaded pins not installed. Shown for position only.
Shaded pins not installed. Shown for position only.
FIGURE 8. MK 166/7 Mounting Kit Dimensions
FIGURE 7. MK 166/7 Mounting Kit Schematic