50 to 60 XW Single Series DC/DC Converters
Manufacturing Company, Inc. Concord, California 94520 Ph: 925/687-4411 or 800/542-3355 Fax: 925/687-3333 www.calex.com Email: sales@calex.com
Application Information
You truly get what you pay for in a CALEX converter; a
complete system oriented and specified DC/DC converter -
no surprises, no external noise filtering circuits needed, no
external transient suppression necessary and no heatsinking
The 50/60 Watt XW Single series, like all CALEX converters,
carries the full 5 Year CALEX Warranty. We can offer a five
year warranty where others can’t because with CALEX it’s
rarely needed.
General Information
The 220 kHz operating frequency of the 50/60 Watt XW Single
Series allows an increased power density of up to 6 Watts per
cubic inch while still including adequate heat sinking and full
dual stage filtering on both the input and output. This prevents
the need for additional filtering and heatsinking in most
The series is also useful for battery operation in industrial,
medical control and remote data collection applications. The
remote ON/OFF pin places the converter in a very low power
mode that draws typically less than 7mA (2mA for 12S
models) from the input source.
Noise has also been greatly reduced in this single design.
The industry standard specifies output noise at 75 mV peak-
to- peak typical with no mention of maximum value or of
measurement bandwidth. Our converters achieve 15 mV
peak-to-peak typical and are fully specified and tested to a
maximum specification of 50 mV peak-to-peak over a wide
bandwidth of 0-20 MHz.
Dual stage input filtering reduces reflected ripple noise and
is also fully specified for typical and maximum values (exact
value depends on input voltage range). Typical RMS noise
over a 10 kHz to 1 MHz bandwidth is also specified for both the
input and output.
All inputs and outputs are protected from transient
overvoltage conditions by 1500 watt transient overvoltage
suppressors. Full overload protection is provided by
independent pulse-by-pulse current limiting and an over-
temperature shutdown circuit. These protection
assure you that our 50/60 Watt Single will provide you with
zero failure rate operation.
Six sided shielding is standard along with specified operation
over the full industrial temperature range of -40 to +85°C.
General Operation
Figure 1 shows the recommended connections for the 50 Watt
Single DC/DC converter. A fuse is recommended to protect
the input circuit and should not be omitted. The fuse serves
two purposes:
1) It prevents unlimited current from flowing in the case of a
catastrophic system failure.
2) UL regulations for telecom equipment require the use of a
The ON/OFF and TRIM pins may be left floating if they are not
used. No external capacitance on either the input or outputs
Figure 1.
Standard connections for the 50/60 Watt Single Series. The ON/
OFF and TRIM pins can be left floating if they are not used. The input
fuse should not be omitted. The remote sense lines should be
connected to their respective output pins even if they are not used
in your application
is required for normal operation. In fact, it can degrade the
converters performance. See our application note
“Understanding DC/DC Converters Output Impedance” for
more information. The usual 0.1 to 0.01 F bypasses may be
used around your PCB as required for local bypassing without
Extremely low ESR capacitors (< 0.5 ohms) should not be
used at the input. This will cause peaking of the input filters
transfer function and actually degrade the filters
The trim pin may be used to adjust the outputs by up to ±5 %
from the nominal factory setting. The trim may be used to
adjust for system wiring voltage drops or to adjust the +5
output up to 5.2 Volts for ECL applications. Figure 2 shows the
proper connections for using the trim pin. If output trimming is
not desired the trim pin may be safely left floating.
Maximum power is limited to either 50 or 60 watts. Trimming
the output up reduces the output current proportionally to
keep the maximum power constant. Output current is not
increased over the listed maximum when trimming the output
voltage down.
Figure 2.
The 5 Volt output can be trimmed by either a trimpot or fixed
resistors. If fixed resistors are used their values may range from
zero to infinite ohms. The trimpot should be 10 K ohms nominal.