Subminature Metallized Polyester Film Capacitor
【額定電壓】Rated Voltage 50V、63V、100V、250V、400V
【電容量范圍】Capacitance Range 0.01uF~2.2uF
【耐電壓】Voltage Proof 1.8UR(5S)
【損耗角正切】Dissipation Factor ≤0.1%(20℃,1KHz)
【電容量偏差】Capacitance Tolerance 士5%(J),士10%(K),士20%(M)
【絕緣電阻】Insulation Resistance(20℃,1 min)≥15000MΩ(≤0.33uF):≥5000S(>0.33uF)
Are non-inductively wound with metallized polyester film as the dielectric/ electrode with copper-clad steel leads and epoxy resin coating.
※ 容量范圍寬,體積小,比率容量大
Wide capacitance range, small size.high capacitance rate.
※ 自愈性好,壽命長
Long life due to self-healing effect.
※ 適用于直流和VHF及信號的隔直流,旁路和耦合。
Suitable for blicking, by-pass and coupling of DC and single toi VHF range.
※ 廣泛用于濾波、降噪、低脈沖電路。
Widely used in filter, noise suppression and low pulse circuts.