1,ASSUREED detection of single,double and multiple sheet.
2,scanning of the most varied of materials from thin washi through to wafers
3,double sheet and missing sheet output ad PNP or NPN switched outputs.
4,scanning of sheet material weights from, 20 g/m to 1200 g/m,films, thin sheet
meatls and finest corrugated cards possible.
5.Vertical mounting to the sheet running through permitted.
6.three control inputs allow for an extenal setting of sensitiveity foe the material to
be scanned.
7.changers to sensitivity classed under ongoing operations can be undertaken.
8.additoonal teach-in mode e.g for scanning wafers glued with a water film.
9.optional trigger operation mode e.g for applications in the shingled stream
10. parameteriaztion via link control
11. 0.5 ms reaponse time until a double or missing sheet in the trigger mode is
12. trandmitter-receiver spcaing can be selected from 20-60mm.